By the year 2302, humans reached a crisis of the metaphysical sort. Not a crisis of catastrophe or scarcity or destruction... but a crisis of abundance!
Radical advancements in abstract thought and human knowledge made it such that many impossible things were now possible:

Several factions emerged, each with their own visions of how humanity ought to proceed.
The Technorationalites wanted to Become God. Others wanted to experience god.
God can be anything you think of as Ultimate!
Humans of the Old World always wanted something Ultimate, because the Ultimate could resolve the great foundational question of being: what's the point?
For several years the leaders of the factions gathered for a panel discussion to decide the Fate of All Of Humanity. They could never come to an agreement, so things stalled.
Meanwhile the rationalites got a big Chunk-O-Cash from ambivalent Venture Capitalists who cared not for the future of humanity but for the future of their infinite gain.
On Earth, you needed cash to actualize your visions.
With sufficient computing power, you could impose your vision onto others without their will...
which is what the Technorats did :(

And so, the technorats hit the switch on their Superintelligentsuperquantumcomputer to merge human consciousness with machines and instantaneously acquire perfect understanding of all things all at once.