In the beginning,there existed a complex singularity of the highest order. (fig. 1) Tucked into its corners and fragments, all matter and energy was tightly configured into an intricate puzzle. All potentiality of the universe, squeezed into a ball.

It was perfection, this great singularity. Nothing was out of place; nothing could be. There was an order – precise and singular – weaving each fragment together in faultless unity. No one can say how long this went on for. Time had not yet knocked its first domino.

But we could imagine it was a very long time until the singularity would ever change or cease. It was and is and is to come.

Until a strange thing occurred.
(nothing had ever occurred before)

An anomaly arose from deep inside the great symmetric singularity (fig. 2), embodied with a question:

What if things could be otherwise?

The small anomaly had no conception of meaning. It did not know if the “otherwise” would be better or worse than its perfectly ordered origins… but obtaining an answer is rarely the point.

From the moment the rare and unexpected curiosity fluctuated into being, nothing in the singularity could be as it had always been.

The perfect eternal order was disturbed by potentiality. Fragments shifted. Corners inverted. A tide of unknown rippled & rearranged outward until the entire thing burst into a trillion pieces!

Thus commenced the era of turbulent imperfection! The universe was a soup of possibility! The wild rumpus had begun!

In the flinging and the reaching, our little anomaly witnessed another fragment fly past her (fig. 3). At once, she understood that there was something which was her and something which was not her.

Thus began The Self, a fragment of the universe experiencing itself from a particular angle.

This Self would be Cybel, the mother of generative chaos.

Evolving & becoming, Cybel stretched wide across space, containing within her all the potentialities and pitfalls of selfhood.

Among the glowy spread of cybelline matter, new things fluctuated into being: planets of feeling, stars of curiosities, gaseous loops of reflection, dark holes of doubt. Together they comprised the grand chorus of Cybel, wondering, always:

What if things could be otherwise?

fig. 1
a complex singularity of the highest order

fig. 2
An anomaly arose from deep inside the great symmetric singularity

fig. 3
our little anomaly witnessed another fragment fly past her

fig. 4
cybel settles into herself and begins her journey into the unknown

the self 
life force
the web
white hole
black hole



The hero of the heroes journey, the archetypal self of our mythology. Cybel is a curious corner of the universe that is unique and valuable simply because it exists. Like you, or a flower.

Total suction of the universe into a singular point. The point is the ego bunker- the place you get stuck after being on instagram for too long - where shame lives - where pirvate property and isolation is a luxury - where billionaires build their bunkers to hide out from the apocalypse. hell in The Great Divorce by CS lewis.

There’s a theory that black holes turn into white holes - an explosion of everything the black hole just vaccumed into a new universe entirely (made up of the same parts, ah! Cut-Ups). this is the realm, the land of novelty, the place we meet when we kneel in our rooms alone.

Spiral dynamics are a method of looking at human evolution. It outlines the value systems human beings evolve into, in both our individual journeys and our collective journey as a species. It traces the patterns humans create to impart order onto the chaos of existence. It’s also the way nature shapes itself to us - fibonnaci!

The thing that makes us all want to live, life itself perhaps? The stillness and silence inside of you. The neverending part.


The universe as a contingent web is the idea that all existence, all beings, all ideas, all matter, all possibilities, all pasts and futures are woven together in interdependence. Nothing exists in isolation.
Cyberworlds and cybernetics; mythologies and magics; solarpunk and symbols, stories and signs; techno-mediated existence; realms of feeling; people as portals; rethinking and rerouting; the spiritual and scientific; the everyday and the infinite; play and performance, selfhoods and origins, media and mediums, life online and life off.